Signup Forms

Blackbull Partners Signup Forms

The form requires users to provide personal information such as name, email address, and more detailed information such as age, location, and so on depending on which account type they are applying for. This information is collected for the purpose of creating a user account and follows regulatory guidelines around what information we need to onboard a new client. The sign-up form is a crucial element of the customer acquisition process, as it allows us to collect valuable information about potential customers and create a database for future marketing efforts.

If sign-up forms are too long, or there are too many steps to go through, this can be a roadblock for onboarding new clients. As such, we’ve drastically simplified the initial onboarding step. At BlackBull Partners, you can use an iFrame of our application form on your website which users can complete without even needing to leave your website.

Leads will be correctly attributed to you when they register using this method. There is a much higher conversion rate than the standard landing page approach, so this is a great way to increase your earnings-per-click. This is a custom implementation, so please reach out to our team to get started.

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