Partner Tiers

Blackbull Partner Tiers

Join Blackbull Partners Today!

For a lot of our partners, this is something that they work towards as their business continues to grow and we are here to support you on that journey.

If you have any questions, concerns, or proposals, we’d be happy to chat about how we can do business with you.
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With BlackBull Partners, you can earn up to USD $1,000 per Qualified Referral.

BlackBull Partners
All new account applications for BlackBull Partners are reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis.
BlackBull Partners Premium
100 Active Clients +
10 Qualified Trader per calendar month
BlackBull Partners Silver
250 Active Clients +
25 Qualified Trader per calendar month
BlackBull Partners Gold
500 Active Clients +
50 Qualified Trader per calendar month
BlackBull Partners Diamond
1,000 Active Clients +
100 Qualified Trader per calendar month
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